Photo Credit: Arnell Tailfeathers
Paper dreams of my mother
Paper dreams of my mother
Dream of my mother on paper
My mother dreams on paper
On torn scraps from colonial
and Government funded
assimilated magazines
long discarded
and unsubscribed
I dream of my mother’s
unfinished dreams on paper
I try to see what she was dreaming of
when she was alive
on paper
on faded paper
it is getting harder to see
with these fading eyes
it is getting harder to see
this fading paper
His colonized addictions
Lured him out on the street
The cold that took his toes
Long after he huffed himself asleep
The blood soaked prairie grass,
Roots long frozen in defeat;
There’s a new fight
The Indians battle now
Goldilocks takes off her wig
And crawls under the blanket
Where small pox lives
When the bears returned
From their vaca house
They called the pigs
And no one
Ate the bannock
She’d been baking
Assimilate, survive
Assimilate, thrive
Assimilate, leave
Assimilate, succeed
Assimilate, spread lies
Assimilate, compromise
Assimilate, plagiarize
Assimilate, steal
Assimilate, bow down
Assimilate, kneel
Assimilate, sell your ancestors land
Assimilate, call it earnings, money in hand
Assimilate, hurry
Assimilate, judge
Assimilate, jury
Assimilate, blood
Assimilate, re-con-cili-ate
Assimilate, future
Assimilate, fate
Assimilate, rape
Assimilate, hate, your Indigenous body, hair, eyes, skin
Assimilate, turn your back on family, on friend
Assimilate, shame
Assimilate, take the white man’s good Christian name
Assimilate, residential school legacy put to good use
Assimilate, un-recognized scoop survivor, foster child abuse
Assimilate, declare Indigenous languages dead
Assimilate, let that white Canadian praise go to your colonized assimilated head
Assimilate, exploit Indigenous pain
Assimilate, believe you’re humble when vain
Assimilate, turn a grave a stage
Assimilate, stomp out, invalidate Indigenous rage
Assimilate, be blind to them digesting the Indigenous in you
Assimilate, and make all your assimilated dreams come true
A Way
IS IT the nomad
in me,
who always…
wants to pack up
and move,
and walk
that ONCE REZ!
foster child???
Who USED to be…
somebody’s daughter,
Who USED to be…
somebody’s cuzin?
Who USED to be…
Somebody’s sister & friend?
Who USED to be….
We ALL knew
how to fight
(that was the one thing we ALL did rather well)
But we did not know
We did not fly
We did not fly
We did not fly.
We often leave now
without saying goodbye.
We pack up and move,
without going anywhere,
& think…
we are moving away.
You see…they did not teach us
how to stay,
Only to pick up,
(whatever you can)
and go away.
That some…where?
That some…day?
Will we ever get there??
When & Where
turns into
to fly
to take flight
and RISE
and SING!!
and DANCE!!!
and PRAY!!!!
and (maybe this time)
Is there A WAY…
to stay…
they came??
“No Genocide”
…Dedicated to the Canadian Museum of Human Rights
No genocide in the streets.
No genocide between pewed rows.
No genocide hitch hiking on the sides of dirt roads.
No genocide to remember.
No genocide to forget.
No genocide native homeless cast aside,
to push aside or over step.
I am with you in genocide.
No genocide ghosts moaning when everyone sleeps.
I am with you in genocide.
No genocide thirst or endless numbing drink.
I am with you in genocide.
No genocide in dreams.
No genocide in flesh.
No genocide flies with the owls to their nest.
No genocide broken body.
No genocide life to live.
No acts of genocide to acknowledge or forgive.
No genocide erased.
No genocide replaced.
No genocide child’s good “welfare” displaced.
I am with you in genocide.
No genocide in hoarding.
No genocidal wink.
No genocide blood to scrub out of the kitchen sink.
I am with you in genocide.
No genocide in spic & span.
No genocide in an elders aged hand.
I am with you in genocide.
No genocide in unmarked or forgotten graves.
No genocide on mothers day.
I am with you in genocide.
No genocide in the ground.
No genocide in the air.
No genocide over there or
over there or over there.
I am with you in genocide.
No genocide on your spirit.
No genocide in your soul.
No genocidal privileged settler
rapist afterglow.
I am with you in genocide.
No genocide to keep us separate.
No genocide to keep us bound.
No genocide in missing, murdered or found.
No genocide in your groceries.
No genocide in your stores.
No genocidal bolts to lock all your incarcerated doors.
I am with you in genocide.
No genocide question marks to be marked.
No genocide paper trail names to be named.
No genocidal land for the raping.
No genocide redskin fan will be defamed.
No genocide darlings.
No genocide CBC.
No genocide at all really,
because what the fuck does that have to do with me?
I am with you in genocide.
No catchable smallpox in genocide.
No ravenous hunger in genocide.
No put me back in the bucket genocide.
No running out of places to hide genocide.
I am with you in genocide.
I am with you in genocide.
I am with you in genocide.
I am with you in genocide.
No genocide in white supremacy.
No genocide in a settler state.
No genocide in dealing with
All your bullshit & your hate.
No genocide headdress to give away.
No genocidal stage.
No genocide to encore for.
No genocide to take its bow & walk away.
No genocide in domestic violence.
No genocide in poverty.
No genocide in you.
No genocide in me.
No genocide in silence.
No genocide in language lost.
No genocide in neo-colonized &
White male violence
No genocide at tax payer cost.
No genocide in your government.
No genocide on your flag.
No genocide in your museum.
No genocide to make you feel bad.
No genocide for all those afraid to say genocide.
I am with you in genocide.
No genocide.
They lied.
No genocide.
—Sarah Scout
Sarah Scout is a Nitsitapi Blackfoot writer and Indigenous artivist. From 2000 – 2002 she attended Lethbridge Community College where she studied print journalism and communication arts. Her work has been published in print mediums such as The Endeavour, The Lethbridge Herald, Say and Beatroute Magazine and From November 2006 – February 2009 she was the managing editor of New Tribe Magazine. Founding the Aboriginal Writer’s Circle Calgary in 2007, Sarah created this group for Aboriginal writers, authors and storytellers to come together in celebration and exploration of the written word and oral storytelling tradition until its retirement in 2014. In her spare time, she also creates and distributes her own independent zines which document personal anecdote, stories, life writing experience and poetry in a mixed collage of black and white photography and experimental graphic design. Winner of the Royal Bank of Canada Aboriginal Student [two-year] Scholarship in 2009, Sarah studied at the University of Calgary in pursuit of her BA in English. She currently is writing her first ‘life writing’ novel (of working title) Incomplete Indian: The Indigenous Life Writings of Sarah Scout.