Sep 152010

These photos were just too good to leave in the comment folder under the Novel-in-a-Box contest post. This is Anna Maria Johnson’s novel-in-a-box entry actually in a box–a lovely entry in a category all by itself. (Photos by Steven David Johnson.)


  10 Responses to “Off The Page: Novel-in-a-Box — Anna Maria Johnson”

  1. Kind of you, DG.
    Photo credit goes to the lovely Steven David Johnson

  2. Do you drink Talisker, Anna Maria?

  3. Lovely, Anna Maria!

  4. Stunning, Anna. The pictures took my breath away. I think you should win on the basis that beauty should always triumph. Just lovely.

  5. AM, this is so beautiful. I hope sometime I get to read the original.

  6. I want to make the Off-the-Page vote official — this is gorgeous, Anna, inside and out.

  7. Thank you, all, for your kind words. It’s a pleasure to share space with you on Numero Cinq.

  8. very cool, Anna Maria

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