Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton
Lucy and I are heading to Fredericton, New Brunswick, in September for a gig as Writer in Residence at the University of New Brunswick (I am going to be the writer, Lucy will be the dog in residence). I’ll be there until May more or less. There will be no disruption in service to NC readers, except for the usual disruptions. I will dedicate a page on NC to my activities as WIR, readings, special workshops, parties, masked balls, protests, riots, police arrest reports, and such. No doubt many of you will be chartering jets and buses (bring your passports).
New Brunswick is familiar ground to me. I taught philosophy at the University of New Brunswick in 1971-72. I worked as a reporter at the Evening Times-Globe, a daily newspaper in Saint John, 1972-73, my first (of many) newspaper jobs. I was the Writer in Residence for a year at the university in the the late 1980s. The Saint John River Valley is a beautiful and mysterious place to me. I particularly love walking home down University Avenue late in the evening on a fall night. And I have many friends there. My longtime, loyal, and beloved publisher, Goose Lane Editions, is located in Fredericton. I’ll be living in Mark Anthony Jarman‘s vast warren of a house on Waterloo Row (another denizen is NC Senior Editor R. W. Gray). NC’s famous weight-lifting poet Sharon McCartney also lives in Fredericton. As does Gerard Beirne among others including several contributors to the NC at the Movies slot.
So you are a Canadian after all. You almost had us fooled. Congratulations!
I have a long family ancestry in N.B. but have never been. I’d like to get there some day. Post some pics while you’re there.
That I will, Marilyn. 🙂
Hope the sun is as bright there as it is here in Vt. It’s been years since I’ve been to N.B. Lucky you.
That’s great to hear, Doug! A change is always good, and staying with Mark Jarman will, I’m sure, be dangerous and delightful.
Sharon, Very dangerous. Two aging writers getting soused in the evening and then pulling knives and guns.
Doug, please videotape these nights.