The Allan Cooper NC Archive Page



Allan Cooper has published fourteen books of poetry, most recently The Deer Yard, with Harry Thurston. He received the Peter Gzowski Award in 1993, and has twice won the Alfred G. Bailey Award for poetry. He has also been short-listed three times for the CBC Literary Awards. Allan intermittently publishes the poetry magazine Germination, and runs the poetry publishing house Owl’s Head Press from his home in Alma, New Brunswick, a small fishing village on the Bay of Fundy.



Three Questions for Donald Hall


Entering the Golden Room | Review of The Selected Poems of Donald Hall

The Inexpressible Moment: Review of Garden Time by W. S. Merwin

A Strange and Haunting Beauty: Review of What About This, Collected Poems of Frank Stanford


Letters to the Universe: From Rilke’s Duino Elegies


Evening Primrose