Jun 242018

DG has been observing radio silence the last few months. He was supposed to be relaxing, basking in the after-glow of his retirement from magazine publishing. But then many bad things happened, not the least of which was the death of Lucy, the NC Blue Dog. Friends and readers who followed the magazine and the Out & Back blog knew her well. She was DG’s constant companion and photographic model.

In March, when the karmic tsunami of bad things began to ebb, DG found a new dog. His name is Pancho. DG was thinking of Pancho Villa, the great Mexican bandit revolutionary, but probably Willie Nelson’s “Pancho and Lefty” was in the back of his mind.

Pancho & Cleo, NC bunker mates

He has a baleful eye, which gives a character of inner complexity

On the farm

  27 Responses to “Out & Back: Blue Dog & Pancho”

  1. Mucho gusto, Pancho – y Blue Dog, Presente!

    • Hey, Diane. Wonderful to see you here. We are working on Pancho’s Spanish. But as the puppy class leader says, Often he doesn’t even remember his own name. Early days though. This week we learned swimming, which mostly involves attempting to drown me.

  2. congratulations, Doug. Pancho’s a lucky dog.

  3. So sorry for that heavy loss, Doug, but so delighted that you’ve found a new canine companion in Pancho! Thanks for sharing these gorgeous images. It’s great to hear from you.

  4. I’m sorry that you’ve lost a life so close, and glad that you’ve found another.

    Of all people, I’m probably the least entitled to rejoice at NC’s resurrection. I read it keenly, but commented perhaps no more than twice. This time round I feel I might have more interesting things to say, not least on account of what I’ve learned while lurking. Thanks for the second chance.

    • Anjuli, Very nice to meet you. This is not a resurrection. The magazine is not coming back. Only the blog and the Holy Book of Literary craft, which I am going to add to shortly. Thanks for being a loyal reader and writing now, 🙂

  5. I was just thinking about you the other day, DG, and wondered what you were up too. So sorry to hear of the loss of Lucy and the unnamed bad things. Hope this summer finds you on an upswing. xoxo

  6. So sorry to hear about Lucy, but delighted by the arrival of Pancho. I was in Saratoga for the jazz Festival and had breakfast with Helen this morning, so I know about Jonah’s forthcoming wedding. Congratulations. .

    • Helen wrote to tell me she’d seen you. Lucky her. I miss our magazine encounters a lot. And yes wedding in the offing, big British Columbia trip planned.

  7. Long live Lucy. It’s likely her bark can be heard in Pancho’s sanchismos. Getting the two pooches out for a quest beyond the bunker will help time do what it does best after a run of bad things. May all of your paws be up for the terrain. Remember to look up and out.

  8. One hug to comfort you for the loss of Blue Dog, Doug, and another hug to celebrate the finding of Pancho, whose baleful eye has me practically hypnotized. I’m going to think positive and assume all is well now – energy rediscovered, life good.

    • Hugs back, Julie. Residency started last night. Made me think of you and teaching. Your residency follows so closely. Dog training early on the dewy grass. Pancho gave me a blood blister in his enthusiasm. Great dog. I miss you. Life is quite different without the magazine. Not as much fun, but a lot more time for myself.

  9. Glad to see you back. I wondered where Numero Cinq went.

  10. Doug, so sorry to hear about Lucy and gladdened by Pancho’s arrival. We miss NC around here, hope, however, that you are well and that the nasty tsunami days are over!

  11. I’m so sorry to hear about Lucy’s passing, DG, but so glad to see you here again. Welcome Pancho! Looking forward to reading about your adventures with him!

  12. I’m very sorry to hear about Lucy, Doug. Watson the dachshund sends his regards to Pancho.

  13. Very sorry to hear about the passing of Lucy, Doug. I’m looking forward to seeing more Pancho posts, though, he of the baleful eye.

  14. Very sorry to hear about the loss, dg. Memories, however, survive.

    “An aphorism is a blue dog tripping through the snow”

  15. Oh Douglas, what a terrible thing to happen. But Pancho looks utterly adorable.

  16. Love is such a messy business. God bless Lucy – and her beloved, DG. She is working for you from the inside now. Things should be improving soon, dear friend. – MKJ

  17. Dear Douglas, I’m sorry to hear about Lucy and that you’ve had other bad things to contend with. But I’m glad you found the remarkable Pancho. It was good to see Numero Cinq in my inbox.

  18. Good to see you on FB again, Doug! And to meet your BEAUTIFUL dogs–

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