Aug 302016

Mishler Photo

Peter Mishler has just won the $2000-Kathryn A. Morton Prize in Poetry (which also includes a book contract with Sarabande Books). Two of the poems we published at Numéro Cinq are included in the prize-winning collection.

Might I just, you know, mention NC’s immensely good taste and our ability to spot talent long before it gets its due?

Mishler appeared twice in our pages. First, there are the poems, which were published in our January, 2013, issue:

Haruspex: Poems — Peter Mishler

You are evading me.
You are just beyond me.
You are the length
of the hood of a car
away from me—
and thinner
than I remember,
dressed as if undressed

And then there is a wise and wonderful interview he did with David Ferry, winner of the 2012 National Book Award for Poetry, which appeared in May, 2013:

The Connoisseurship of the Word | Interview with David Ferry — Peter Mishler

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