Feb 212015

1-Salgado-Preparations-underway-for-Storytelling-Preparations under way for STORYTELLING

The video documentary on UK-based Canadian painter Andrew Salgado is now on Vimeo. During the same time frame it was being filmed (June-October 2014), I had the honour and pleasure to interview Andrew for Numéro Cinq magazine. My curated NC interview of Salgado compliments quite nicely what you see and hear of him in the film, all in his own words. Both pieces together help provide a deeper understanding of and insight into this fabulous artist, his creative thoughts and artistic processes.

Trailer of documentary on Salgado during STORYTELLING preparations.

You can view the 42 minute documentary film directed by Adam Fletcher and Cassidy Uggla here:
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—JC Olsthoorn

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