Jul 312014

Copy of Wojahn Pub photo NoelleDavid Wojahn

Our review of the Niedecker and Lax poetry collections, reviewed by David Wojahn, just got reviewed itself over at The Poetry Foundation blog. The reviewer even quotes dg (um, without attribution). This must be a first. NC is making waves. (Do I have to explain this? It’s a pun on Wave Books, the publisher of the collections under review. Oh, hell, read it all. Links below.)


At Numéro Cinq, poet David Wojahn has penned an essay likening Wave Books to the salad days of Grove Press and New Directions, then steers his gratitude toward Lorine Niedecker and Robert Lax, whose Selected Poems 1962-1997 was edited by Lax’s former assistant, John Beer, and published last November. “Wojahn has read long and thought deeply; it’s terrifically bracing to absorb his fluency with poets and traditions, the ease with which he epitomizes lives, works and influences. Such brevity and compression only comes with the profound familiarity and respect. I don’t think it takes a poet to read a poet, but Wojahn makes a good case.”

via Poet David Wojahn on Wave Books, Robert Lax & Lorine Niedecker : Harriet Staff : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation.

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