Jul 242013

And, for that matter, what retirement phase? Was I taking a nap when they called that group?

One of the largest transfers of wealth between generations is starting to occur in the U.S. As baby boomers enter the retirement phase, the next generation of workers, Gen Y or the Millennials (those born in the 1980s and 1990s), are now entering the workforce and beginning their prime earnings phase.

According to research firm Iconoculture, Gen Y comprises over 76 million people with almost $900 billion in spending power. In contrast the baby boomers, also numbering 76 million, have $2.5 trillion in spending power.

via Why Generation Y fears the stock market – J.J. Zhang’s Winner Take All – MarketWatch.

  2 Responses to “Wait a sec! What happened to my cut of the $2.5 trillion?”

  1. Shit! My husband’s a baby boomer (Eek!) – where’s his share of the $2.5 trillion?

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