Mar 162013


A few of you have asked about dg’s mother’s hen, Annette, who at last report had moved into the farm kitchen after the other hens started attacking her. During dg’s visit to the farm last week, Annette was under foot, under the table and in the pantry, quite unperturbed by people and dogs. Well, she died Thursday night. DG’s mother, guessing that something was up, got a cardboard box, put the box on end so that the side was open, and made a nest of straw (normally chickens roost, only “nesting” to lay eggs). The chicken settled down in the box and only came out once after that. And in the morning she was dead. DG’s mother says, “I’ll never name another animal. If I get I dog, I’m just going to call it “dog.”

BTW, Jean is well past 90 and survived major cancer surgery last year and is still looking after the farm by herself. Here she is a couple of years ago, reciting a Walter Scott poem.


  7 Responses to “R.I.P. Annette”

  1. Condolences on the loss of Annette. Cora has a baby doll named Dog. Actually, her name is D-O-G. I finally think I understand it. What if D-O-G died?

  2. So sorry for your loss. What’s in a name? Attachment, that’s what.

  3. I think I know where Annette really went. Lois Simmie wrote a short story called “Oliver’s Chickens” that was published as a kid’s book. Many children, especially Only Children, have imaginary friends. Oliver has chickens, each with a name and a personality. I remember Henrietta the most. Of course, the chickens upset his paraents and get in the way. Oliver puts his friends in a rowboat and takes them to the island in Wascana Park where he sets them free. I’m sure that’s where Annette now is, with Oliver’s chickens, having a grand old chicken time. BB

  4. Poor Annette. On the other hand, I’m glad to hear Jean is well. She sounds like a very durable woman, and I wish her many more years.

  5. Thank you all for writing. My mother was reading the comments this morning and they cheered her up no end. It’s been a long winter; the chickens are her constant concern and delight. It’s nice of you all to send a word.

  6. Oh dear. I only just now checked the blog. So sad.

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