Feb 092013

I discovered Lhasa de Sela’s music in 1999 and she died of cancer New Year’s Day in 2010. Not enough time all the way around. She was born American, raised partly in Mexic0, and ended up living and singing in Montreal. And she could sing.


de cara a la pared
se apaga la ciudad

Y no hay màs
muero quizas
Adonde estàs?

de cara a la pared
se quema la ciudad

sin respirar
te quiero amar
te quiero amar

de cara a la pared
se hunde la ciudad

Santa Maria
Santa Maria

—Lyrics via Lyricsmode.com

  2 Responses to “That Kind of Day”

  1. Haunting. I’m sorry for the loss of her and glad she is remembered here.

  2. Lovely! Thanks for this!

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