Sep 272011


On Sunday afternoons



Where mountains loom,



and trees grow yellow,



a pair of bare-armed girls bump on a bicycle.



Two boys ignite firecrackers in the alley,.



but sets of boats lie idle.



Some windows still hang open to catch late breezes,



while others hold dried pepper.



In an old courtyard, a fifteenth-century fresco presides over an evening meal,


groups of excursionists wait for a ferry to take them home,



before mist accumulates.


Here, wandering these paths, I long for you.


–text and photos by Natalia Sarkissian




  29 Responses to “Postcards from Italy: Lake Como, September 2011 — Natalia Sarkissian”

  1. Such Vibrant colors. Your compositions are so compelling. I look forward to these photo essays. Thanks Natasha

  2. How lovely and romantic–all those pinks and reds! We spent a few days near Lake Como in September, 2006, and remember the same end-of-the-season feeling. It was rainy and coolish but the scenery still gorgeous and dreamy as in your photos. Thanks for this, Natasha!

  3. Lake Como is romantic–even in the foggy winter with the grey and white and black! Think of Beethoven’s more somber work….

  4. Wow this is stunning! Thanks for sharing ns,

  5. cara nat, che bellezza, sei brava e sono così orgogliosa di essere tua amica!!

  6. Beautiful.

  7. Loverly–been there once and was entranced. But where’s George are you keeping him your own little secret!

  8. Frances, thanks. George? Who’s George?

    • Clooney., Geo Clooney :))

      by the way, do you think the dining niche with the Crucifixion fresco was once a monk’s cell?

      • It was definitely part of a monastery at one time. Now it’s in this lovely courtyard, part of a B&B, and was recently discovered when the owners renovated. It had been “hiding” behind some intonaco (a not unusual occurrence, as you know, over here).

        Of course! George! He’s over on the other side of the lake near Como. These shots are all taken near Lecco.

  9. Yet another fabulous post! I love your photography and your unique ways of doing a post in poetry. Beautiful! Write more!!!!

  10. Another beautiful postcard, Natasha.

  11. Gorgeous photographs, spectacular place. I just want to climb into my computer screen and be there. (Is there an app for that?)

  12. The light is magical Natashia. I’ve been thinking about your lovely vignettes all day. I’m pulled to Como.

  13. Lovely. I’m dreaming if Italy these days, tentatively planning a trip (my first) for next year. Thanks for these glimpses into pockets of the country.

    • Jenna, hope you make it over! There are so many wonders to see…you’ve got a lot to choose from and your work cut out for you!

  14. Natasha – As usual, your beautiful work is inspirational. My “Italy Vibe” is going crazy!

    Great postcard,


  15. Cara Nat, ancora e sempre mi stupisci con l’espressività delle tue foto e la potenza delle tue parole. Semplicemente magnifico!

  16. Silvia, sei troppo gentile. Grazie.

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