Feb 082010

On Saturday night, my wife and I went “The Ink Spot,” an artist’s loft in downtown San Diego run by San Diego Writers, Ink.    My friend Tammy Greenwood was reading from her recently released sixth novel, The Hungry Season.    Tammy was my first writing teacher at UCSD and has recently moved back to California from DC.   I used to drive two and a half hours (each way) to attend her classes.  Needless to say, she was/is a very good teacher.  The event was well-attended, especially considering that San Diego was besieged by rain, which usually grinds the city to a halt.  SD Writers, Ink. runs workshops, classes and other literary events on a regular basis out of this converted loft in the artist district downtown.  It was inspiring to walk by studio spaces on a Saturday evening and see a dozen students busy at work.

—Richard Farrell