Catherine Bush and dg are having a double book launch September 17 at the Gladstone Hotel in Toronto at This Is Not A Reading Series. Catherine’s novel Accusation is coming out also with Goose Lane Editions. We’re a team, hitting the high spots together, another EPIC southern Ontario reading tour. I am already tired, but there will be THOUSANDS. It’s kind of dramatic, isn’t it? Savage Love meets Accusation!
What happens when Savage Love meets Accusation? Who will be accused … of what? And how Savage will the Love be?
Join us for a scintillating and sure-to-be provocative evening with writers Catherine Bush and Douglas Glover as both launch exciting new fiction. Catherine will show the book trailer created for the novel by independent filmmaker Mike Hoolboom and conduct a multi-voiced “accusation chorale.” In the spirit of his epic line “Love is an erotic accident prolonged to disaster,” Glover will teach the audience how to be instantaneously savage, witty, provocative, and deep. In short: How to Write Aphorisms for Love and Money.
Both writers will be interviewed about their work by Mark Medley, Books Editor of the National Post.
A Canadian journalist stumbles upon a good story. A tireless idealist founds a circus for children in Ethiopia. Yet what if all is not as it seems? Catherine Bush’s new novel, Accusation, follows a web of lives that intersect with life-altering consequences and forces us to confront the uncomfortable question of how we navigate the sometimes-blurred line between guilt and innocence.
The stories in Savage Love revolve around the concept of love in all its unrestrained expressions and possibilities. Lust. Infidelity. The inexorable pull of strangers and novelty. Lifelong devotion. The destructive and redemptive nature of passion. This is Douglas Glover country, and we are all willing visitors.
via Love and Accusation: Catherine Bush and Douglas Glover | TINARS.