Feb 112013

Yes, so we’re behind Croatia. Eventually, in Croatia people will be packed in like tuna while America will once again be a sparsely-populated land of wide open spaces and roaming bison being hunted by billionaire sportsmen. Something to look forward to.

The maternal mortality rate for Texas has quadrupled over the last 15 years to 24.6 out of 100,000 births in 2010, from 6.1 per 100,000 live births in 1996, according to a report last year from the state’s Department of Health Services.

Many counties report no maternal deaths. But two scarcely populated Texan counties report maternal mortality rates of over 900 per 100,000 births, or nearly 1 percent of all births, according to the report. The state also has 15 counties that have maternal mortality rates higher than 100 deaths per 100,000 births and not all of them are rural.

Those numbers are far worse than the national average maternal mortality rate of 21 per 100,000 live births. But our national statistic offers no pride. It leaves the United States at the bottom of the list of developed nations; meaning, for instance, that more new mothers are dying here than in Croatia.

via Pregnant? Watch Your Risks in Great State of Texas | Womens eNews.

  5 Responses to “Once again Texas leads in developing new methods for social engineering population control — fewer mothers mean a lower birthrate”

  1. Hm, does this mean there is a correlation between lack of critical thinking skills in Texas (see previous NC post) and death?

    • I do not think you can accuse the editors of the Omens blog of consistency of thought or argument from one post to the next. After they post, they go to the bar and forget what they wrote. 🙂

      Possibly there is a correlation between lack of critical thinking skills and a lot of bad things but good things, too, as the editors suggest: critical thinking is difficult, it makes my brain hurt and it takes time away from TV and playing Halo.

      Is death a bad thing? How could such a universal human experience be bad? Really?

  2. Far be it from me to criticize death altogether, but I think timing plays a significant role. Death is fine at ages above, say, eighty or ninety (I imagine I’ll be willing to embrace it then), but not for newborns or the mothers of newborns.

  3. There’s a lot to love in Texas, and a lot of Texas to love.

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