Entering A Contrary Moon | Poems & Paintings --- Elaine Handley & Marco Montanari | Numéro Cinq
Ekphrasis is the Greek rhetorical device of inserting the description of a work of art into a text as a way of creating meaning (by analogy or parallel). Coincidentally, the standard classical example of ekphrasis is Homer's description of the shield of Achilles in the Iliad (also Hesiod's description of the shield of Hercules). It's a device with an ancient tradition, never abandoned. And so it's delightfully literal that Handley and Montanari have chosen warriors and shields as their central motif, adding to an ancient tradition that in this instance they have reanimated with more recent wars and warriors. Gorgeous, sad, dignified, violent images and words, given yet another twist by the poet's particularly female point of view.